Color printing all started with the CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow and key or black) color formats, but the combination has inconsistencies, so other combinations were developed. Aside from the regular four, six, eight and twelve are now available in ink and toner store color laser printer outlets.
As everybody who has a printer already knows the typical color printing format is the CMYK or the four color printing format. However, using only the four main color spectrum could not achieve right halftoning. For instance applying a 20% halftone in magenta produces a pink color, because the eye views the tiny color dots as lighter and less saturated. This holds true because without halftoning the four color combination can only produce seven colors.
Since the range is really narrow using only the four color pattern, to correct this, six color printers were developed, followed by 8 and twelve color formats. In a six color printing format, orange and green inks were added to the conventional CMYK. These additional inks broaden the color range to create a better color interaction, now called the CMYKOG. With the development of CMYKOG, perfection in the color printouts is still elusive particularly in large format printing , so 8 color was added into the fold.
Eight color printers is an extension of the six color spectrum, this time adding light yellow and light black to create the best prints one could imagine. Still the new color setup could not resolve the granularity problems, even though it provides the best viewing experience on the printouts. This problem is evident when used in large format printing. When printed images were viewed from a sizable distance, particularly on ads, the result is near perfect, but upclose the grainy surface is quite disturbing.
The perfect viewing experience is given by the development of the twelve color format printers. It is the answer to all the inconsistencies shown by the previous printer models. It now includes a shiny black and a new color enhancer that improved the look of the printed images. The images almost come out perfect, with the twelve colors entwined to increase the range of color gamut to over 80%. As far as users are concerned the 12 color setup is the best and widely available in ink and toner stores color laser printer outlets.
In the end, if the best is one wants, the twelve color printers can deliver, just visit any reliable ink and toner store color printer showroom for a product demonstration.