Nobody can question the fact that when it comes to color printing, the yardstick is still that of inkjet printers. Not even the most advanced and sophisticated color laser printer can come close when it comes to photo printing. Color laser printers can only replicate the inkjet color printing process but will never be able to duplicate the fine, print quality produced by inks. But wait! What if a new printer technology emerges in the market based on an improved version of the inkjet? Well, this color printing technology is now available through the latest Memjet Printer.
The Memjet Printer brand is slowly becoming a worldwide household name for high speed color printing. And one of its soon-to-be launched innovations is an inkjet designed to operate at print speeds that would contend with the fastest laser printers in the market today.
Inkjet Print Speed Limitations
Print speed has always been the turf of color laser printers. On the average, laser printers turn out documents at a speed that is at 5 to 10 times the speed of inkjets. The latest inkjet printers released in the market employ as much as 4,500 nozzles in its print head to deliver the best color images. While inkjet technology has perfected color processing, it still lags behind in the aspect of print speed.
As per design, inkjet print heads move along the entire breadth of the media in back and forth motion to complete a single horizontal resolution. This subsequently slows down print speed.
Breakthrough Memjet Print Head Design
This design constraint was resolved through a modification of the print head used for the Memjet Printer. The 8.8 inch print head spans the effective width of the paper or media and is outfitted with 70,000 ink nozzles. More importantly, the Memjet print head is stationary. Moving print heads are typical of traditional inkjet printers. Referred to as the waterfall technology, millions of tiny ink droplets are sprayed over the media all at the same time, to complete a single horizontal dpi resolution.
Memjet Print Performance
This breakthrough print head design impressively increases inkjet print speed at a rate very much faster than the fastest color laser printers. In an instant, the 70,000 nozzles are capable of spraying 700 million ink droplets over a page per second. This action of the print head assures users that the new technology will operate at a speed 8 times faster than traditional inkjets. And since Memjet printers employ ink, crisper color images can only be expected.
Up ahead, the new technology will probably hit it big with consumers and overshadow all existing color laser printers and inkjets. The future holds some promise for the Memjet Printer Technology as it attempts to deliver stunning printouts at remarkable print speeds.
For quality inkjet supplies retailed at affordable prices, visit Laser Tek Services today.