Why is there a need to recycle empty toner cartridges? Oil based polymers are used in the manufacture of its plastic casing and recycling can help conserve the finite supply of fossil fuels.
The present worldwide production of petroleum-based plastic is pegged at 100 million tons annually. At this rate, manufacturing plants use around 7 million barrels of petroleum per day to sustain production volume. Petrol consumption represents 8% of global supply and with reserves gradually dwindling, remaining fuel resources could only last us decades.
Are replacement toner cartridges TOO pricey? Learn the basics of toner cartridge recycling and trim down printing expenses for good.
Recycling is in line with global conservation efforts. A reduction in the volume of toner cartridges disposed would temporarily clear landfills. Consequently, reusing cartridges would result in the reduced consumption of petrol as a cutback in manufacturing volume for new cartridges is imminent. Until a biodegradable polymer casing (made from organic materials) can be developed for toner cartridges; then recycling for the moment will suffice.
Recycling extends the lifespan of printer consumables. Projects involving the recycle of laser printer consumables is not limited to the refill of empty toner cartridges with fresh toner supply. A used and worn out cartridge can be carefully dismantled where worn out components are replaced with new imaging parts while serviceable components are retained. Fresh toner powder is transferred to the toner chamber thereafter prior to reassembly. Remanufactured toner cartridges are typically distributed by third party manufacturers or if you have the technical expertise, you can in fact remanufacture the cartridge yourself and use it for another printing cycle instead of dumping it immediately with neighborhood trash.
Recycling rallies manufacturers and individuals towards a common cause. Printer manufacturers have organized recycling services that allow customers to trade in, donate or return used computers, PC components, printers and related consumables in the case of Hewlett Packard while Xerox encourages the bulk return of used consumables under its Green World Alliance Program. Meanwhile, recycling companies such as Laser Care of Los Angeles have been recognized lately for the gains of its cartridge recovery programs; particularly for the recycling of over 300,000 laser printer toner cartridges. Said volume would have occupied at least 75,000 cubic feet of landfill space.
Recycling creates new jobs. These conservation efforts not only satisfy thousands of laser printer users but likewise create dozens of local manufacturing jobs to a workforce derailed by our ailing economy. This proves further that environment-friendly programs can likewise promote the upkeep of local businesses.
Reuse empty toner cartridges and save as much as 80% on printing costs. Visit http://www.lasertekservices.com and shop for the toner refill kit compatible with your cartridge.
Recycling efforts are now running in high gear with a number of OEM’s now stamping toner cartridges with return seals. But for empty OEM toner cartridges that only need a toner refill to work again, use a compatible toner refill kit to replenish its toner supply and remember that a cartridge can sustain three refills and print cycles.