• Robert Salvage

    In my opinion Epson are a total disgrace . Their ink cartridges are outrageously expensiv, in, fact almost as much as the printer
    i feel this to be a very crooked attitumde.

  • Robert Salvage

    I personally think that epson are a disgrace and myself or any member of my family and friends will never buy an epson printer.again
    i feel that it is cheating the public in disallowing the use of compatibles.
    I feel that it is bordering on the illegal
    It seems that two sets of their cartridges equates to the cost of a new printer
    Trese are my own personal beliefss

  • kristen

    Hi, I have an Epson Workforce Pro WF-4720(4820). I see my speed is set at 7ppm but cannot find the “Speed and Progress” or “Disable Epson Status Monitor”. Are you able to help?


  • Robert Salvage

    I think Epson are a disgrace relating to non epson inks Their ink prices are such approx two sets of originals eqwuals a new printer.
    I will not buy an Epson printeragain.
    Epson have lost a customer

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